Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Obama Drama

I'm pretty sure that one of Nostradamus' signs of the apocalypse was the nomination of Barak Obama for President. As the most liberal democrat in the senate he is a danger to America, especially with a democratic congress to do his bidding. I have no problem with a black president. I would have voted for Colin Powell with a clear conscience. I just cannot state strongly enough how much I fear an ultra-liberal president being the most powerful man in the world. If he beats McCain in November (after a long and protracted election where Obama will claw for every individual vote) we can look forward to bolder terrorist attacks, insidious socialism, escalating taxes, a glut of social reform projects which have no hope of social reform, an increased welfare state, continuous legislating from the bench, the complete erosion of moral responsibility and the end of free thinking as everyone who disagrees with his agenda or those of his ilk find themselves the targets of malicious prosecution. A vote for Obama is a vote for an America we won't recognize in four years. Wake up and smell the Starbucks, people, or we will all be a bunch of French speaking, limp-wristed, surrender monkeys by 2012!

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