Monday, June 02, 2008

Teddy Under the Knife

The Tedster, drinker extraordinaire, killer of women, liberal lush is going under the knife for a brain tumor today. Does anyone else think this is an absolute waste of time? He's an old drunk with a pickled liver who has done more damage to this country than those chips that cause uncontrollable anal leakage. Let the old bastard rot, I mean, rest in peace already and not waste the time and talents of the doctors of Duke on a singularly corrosive human being. If they are going in there anyway, they might as well cut out the part of the brain that makes him such a douche-bag. The United States will be a better place once the Kennedys no longer have a strangle hold on the northeast. First we get rid of the caustic Kennedys, then move on to those nasty Clintons. Let the housecleaning begin!

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